These words kept haunting me for the past days, whether I'm wide awake or under a magical dream.
Days went by so slowly like a painful, dragging death march. I doubt if this heart-ripping feeling inside me would still cease. Each night I kept praying, bargaining with the ONE up above. Begging Him to bless me with courage and will-power to overcome the poignant and stabbing feeling I have with in me...
I kept convincing myself to get on with my life. Leave all those days when I acted so dumbly impulsive. Bury all the memories of those sleepless nights of unmindful paranoia. I reminded myself that life has to go on... that my world didn't stop revolving just because he went away... that I shouldn't give up on everyone else just because someone once gave up on me.
I still have my life! I need to live it, I have to love it, I must enjoy it!
Mae =)
Keep it up. :)
Keep it u. Cheers.
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