Quite interesting and fateful love stories huh?! So if they've found their fairytales, why can't I find my own?...
The day I've learned about such thing as princes, knights-in-shining-armors, true loves', and happy endings, I too am wishing and hoping to have my own fairytale. I grew up thinking, "Someday, It'll be my turn!". But then days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months and months into years then I wonder, "Where on earth did my prince go?" Why is everybody so happily in love with their very own Romeos' while I, on the other hand, can't even be somebody else's Rosaline?
Sometimes I questioned myself if, "Am I very unappealing and unattractive that the men out there can't bare the thought of me being near them?" I even think that maybe they can't see me, like I'm practically and officially INVISIBLE TO EVERYONE!
Sounds like hurting ego right? Well maybe, probably. I admit, sometimes it's a blow on my so called human ego. But most of the times, what this "painful thought" does to me is much worse than that... it kills my confidence slowly and melts my self-worth little by little.
I know, it seems stupid but it's the truth. The idea that nobody wants me and no one will ever love me, kills me to the bone and shreds my heart into pieces. In fact it even scares me to death!
But then as enlightenment and maturity crept up inside me through time, I've realized that life isn't just all about finding the man of your dreams. It's not just about being swept off on your feet by your handsome knight nor being kissed by your prince! It's not just about looking for that special someone who can love you nor searching for Mr.Right to make you feel better and complete!
THERE'S MORE TO LIFE than just having a happy ending on a fairytale!
This time I know that if I'm meant to be with someone, for sure it'll happen, naturally. I don't need to tire myself by traveling across the universe nor going through world's end in search for love, I'm going to let love find me this time. Though I still have this "Someday it'll be my turn" notion, but at least now I believe that I don't need to rush into love, nor force it's direction towards me.
I'm sure, in GOd's perfect time and if He wills it It'll be my time to say, "...and we live happily ever after!"
Mae =)
1 comment:
you will find your own
just be patient!...
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