I wasn't able to post anything on my blog yesterday, not even a single word despite the fact that I vowed to myself to post something every single day of my life (just to keep my sanity and to avoid overflowing of my 'hidden' emotions)... Well, to make up for what I've missed, I'll just repost my last entry from my friendster blog...hahahaha..
This is called, recycling... ... ...
Whew! I thought that was my chance to be finally happy (I mean romantically speaking)! I thought that maybe, he could be the one. I even thought that, “Hey, my ‘answered prayer’ has finally came!” But damn, I was just really wrong. He turned out to be the same as all the other guys that I have encountered. Taking advantage of my weakness! You know, the he’s-so-sweet and the he’s-into-you thingy but in reality they’re just trying to “taste and feel it” while it lasts! I hate it! In fact, I do really despise it! I hate the fact that I’ve dragged myself in believing that he could be different. I despise myself because once again, I acted on my impulse. I was being vulnerable again. I mean, yeah, I know that he didn’t asked me to fall for him but I didn’t asked to feel this way too. It just hit me, knocked me off unprepared. I never really saw this coming and I was totally caught off guard! I’ve let down my defenses, and maybe, that’s the reason why I’m hurting right now… I’m really hurting, BIG TIME! Just like an upgraded value meal, GO-large HURT!
Mae =)
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