FOXTRUTH... this is what me and six of my friends named our group. I know, it sounds far-fetched, but I believe our name is unique!
Why did I say so? Well it's not because I'm trying to carry our own chair since I'm a part of the group, but it's because our name is quite different from all those too "girly" names out there. I mean, no offense to those names...
Okay, so let's start the ball rolling...
I met these "awesome" people way back in highschool. Who would actually thought that the seven of us would click together as a group? We are all uniquely different in a way, but we are completely alike at the same time...

Next in the line is Sharmaine or 'Shai' to us, and her other friends. Shai is my friend who's just a text away from me. We are also alike in many different ways. To mention a few: we both like to sing in Karaoke's, we're both talkative and just recently, we have sort of thesame "heart breaking" story! 'Shai' or 'Shy', is the exact opposite of her nickname! She is the "funny - superstar" in our group. Yeah, she's definitely not shy after all! Most of the times, she would entertain us not only with her nice singing voice, but with her funny jokes and 'stunts' as well.
Emerose or 'Emz' is my closest friend in the group way back in highschool. We would usually spend our time back then plotting our very own version of the T.V. series, "SMALLVILLE". It's because of her influence that I decided to continue my interest in writing (though both of us are just doing this hobby in silence). Emz is the "meek - artist" in our group. She really has a talent in drawing. She also has this innocent look that the moment you would see her you would wonder if she knows how to laugh boisterously, but surprisingly, yeah, she does! After all she's a FOXTRUTH!
Jessica or 'C-kay' is one of my close friends whom I wouldn't hesitate to ask for an advice. She's the kind of friend who would patiently listen to whatever you have or want to share to her, whether it's the most serious, life-threatening moment in your life or just an ordinary bad day you had in school. C-kay is the "intelligent - comforter" in our group. She has proven her wit a lot of times, even before when we were still in highschool. She have shown and proven to all of us that despite her being 'tagged' as the serious member in the group, she still knows how to have some fun and enjoy life's pleasure to the fullest.
Annette or 'Nette' for me is one of the bubbliest friends I had in my entire life. We used to imitate her 'going down the stairs and stop by to face the mirror act' in highschool and the way she placed her hair (which was usually 'one-side' [over one shoulder]). Quite a trademark right? Annette is the "sexy - carefree" in the group. You have to look and see for yourself why she's sexy! Though she seems very laid-back, but I know that she has a very big heart, especially when it comes to her loved ones.
Michelle or 'Macky' or 'Chelle', which I prefer to call her, is a very jolly and happy person. We seldom see her frown and I warn you, she has this contagious laughter! Like me, she loves to talk a lot as well. I guess if Chelle and I are talking to eachother, it would seem that there are four or more people talking instead of just two. Sounds exagerrated, but yes, we do love to talk. She is the "jolly - dancer" in the group. Michelle do really like dancing since then. She is ,by all means, a good dancer and she can totally dance away her problems no matter how difficult they may seem.
Well, the last but not the least, of course, ME!... Maelette or 'Mae' for short. I won't talk that much about me since I'm the one writing this, but I'll just share a piece of me as part of the group. Hmmmmm, let's see... I'm the "outspoken - hopeless romantic" in the group. Most of the times, you would find my friends cheering me up because some guy just broke my heart into pieces. Though there are times that my friends don't or can't get me because of my 'ever-changing' mood, but I know that they know how much I value each one of them. I may sound so melodramatic, but that's true. I would walk the earth's end just for my friends!
...Seven different, uncomparable individuals, yet we are one and thesame.
"We may not be sisters by blood but we surely are sisters by heart!"
"We may not be sisters by blood but we surely are sisters by heart!"
Mae =)
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