sO here, i'll share what i thOught abOut her and her tweets... (this was my initial reactiOn when i fOund OUt that she received hate-tweets frOm haters & bashers)...
>>frOM my twitlOnger<<
mae olmos masbate
On Friday 26th February 2010, @weathergurl_mae said:@tinkeylicious, i wish yOu cOuld read this...sana yOu'll have time... hehheheheh^_^
Feb 26, 2010
Super late reaction na talaga akO.. hehehehe.. i've read yOur tweets yesterday w/ regards tO the #MELASON thingy(i dO take time in readiing your tweets everyday:D) and thOugh i wanted tO say sOmething right then and there, my time didn't allOw me tO dO sO kaya ngayOn nlng akO magte-tweet...
anywayz, i just wanted tO tell yOu that i'm One Of thOse peOple whO truly appreciate yOur tweets, may they be #MELASON updates Or just purely yOur thOughts.
I admit thOugh that i fOllowed yOu at first because i wanted tO be updated w/ #MELASON moments, but later On i grew fOnd Of yOur "side cOmments" and w/ yOur "amazing vOice" sa mga campaign/vOice clips. Believe it Or nOt, yOU're One Of the few peOple that i wOUld immediately lOok fOr while i'm back reading my twitter; and believe it Or nOt, i spend mOre time reading yOur tweets than the many celebrities i fOllowed. (Di tO char-char, as inz!C:)
If yOu're wOndering why i hanged-on and remained as yOur fOllower (like the Other thOusands Of fOllowers yOU have whO stayed) thOugh PBB DOuble Up is Over, well here's why:
1. You sure dO makes a lOt Of sense when yOu tweet... i lOve the way hOw yOu spontaneously speak your mind! You dOn't care whether peOple wOuld agree Or nOt with yOur OpiniOn. As lOng as yOu were able tO "let it all Out" & yOU didn't dO harm tO anyOne in the process then it's CHOKZ lng...:)
2. You knOw when tO have FUN! You might be very seriOus when it cOmes tO sharing a piece Of yOUr mind but yOu sure knOw hOw and when tO break the ice!
3. You're entertaining! heheheh.. i dOn't grOw bOred w/ yOur tweetz, especially during thOse "campaign/vOIce clips mOments"! Your vOice is music tO the ears indeed! You're like the "VOICE OVER DIVA" Or sOmething! (IDOL! hhehehhe)
4. We share the same thOughts On certain issues. mOst Of the time i still find it amusing & amazing reading yOur tweets because Of the fact that we share the same sentiments. It's like yOu're speaking On Our behalf (thOse whO share the same thOughts w/ u specially On #MELASON issues.) It's a relief tO knOw sOmeone whO cOuld speak for Others!
5. I learned frOm yOu!... yeahp! i sure had cOuntless Of learnings & realizations frOm yOu;I guess i need nOt tO enumerate them. but i assure yOu, they're all cOnstructive learnings/realizations!
So that's it! and with that, kudOs tO you @tinkeylicious fOr being an inspiration. keep yOUr tweets gOing, dOn't mind the haters (they knOw nOthin but tO hate!) and GOD BLESS yOu!
>>PEACE, L♥VE, & everything NICE! ♥mAe Of CEBU☺♥
Mae =)
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